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Saturday, June 18, 2011

spiderman tattoo chest

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  • va_labor2002
    07-26 04:21 PM
    In the US for 11 years now. - 7th year H1B

    Thanks for starting this topic!!! This could be an emotional thread for a lot of us who are still waiting for this rediculously long process of GC!!!!

    More frustrating when:

    Waited for 3++ yrs for the labor cert (PD Sept 2002)
    Just submitted I140 (6/2006) but have to endure the fear that my EB2 will be kicked to EB3, which means RETROGRESSION!
    With H4, wife cannot work. Going to school is too expensive..i can't afford it with my small salary
    Stucked with current company...being under appreciated and under utilized by the current employer...not a place for me to build my CAREER!!!
    Have potential contract jobs/independent consultant positions available (recruiters contacted me) which pay 50% than what i am making now...but can't accept those offers bcos of GC!!!!
    So so tempted to return home for good (sick and tired of the WAIT), but Everyone was saying "u had waited for years now, so why not wait for another year or so to get it..don't waste the golden opportunity" it really going to be just another YEAR? :rolleyes:

    Sigh...sorry for venting...but i am really upset!

    Going back to Career options...

    **yeah, i would like to get a PMP cert, but it is pretty EXPENSIVE. But maybe some of us who done that can advice me.

    **About buying houses....really clueless about it...really scare i will get ripped off by people..any advice?

    ** Yes..i want to know more about E-Visa and making $$ via online business!

    Thanks all....


    Look at my case.

    1) EB3 PD March 2002. After more than 4 years I got my Labor.
    2) Filed for I-140 . Cannot file 485 now.
    3) H1B 9th year going on.

    One good thing I did ,I bought a house in Dec 2002.Now If I sell the same house,I will get minimum 100K profit. I will get good appreciation now.I recommend you guys to buy a house now. It is the best time to buy a house,because it is "Buyers market" now ! You can make some money if you sell it later...

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  • chanduv23
    03-13 09:37 AM
    could you please post the link to it. I can't find it. thanks

    Immigrant Visas
    Cut-Off Dates for Immigrant Visas
    We are pleased to announce the April 2008 cut-off dates for immigrant visas for individuals born in India and those born in most other countries.

    To qualify for an appointment, an applicant's priority date (the date that the petition was filed) must fall before the cut-off date for the appropriate category.

    The following numbers are derived from the Department of State's Visa Bulletin. If you have additional questions about cut-off dates and your case is being processed at the U.S. Consulate General in Mumbai, please e-mail us or call us at +91-22-2363-7407 between 2 and 4 p.m. IST.

    Category India Most Other Countries
    F1 22 February 2002 22 February 2002
    FX 1 May 2002 1 May 2002
    F2A 8 May 2003 8 May 2003
    F2B 22 March 1999 22 March 1999
    F3 22 May 2000 22 May 2000
    F4 22 November 1996 22 July 1997
    E1 Current Current
    E2 1 December 2003 Current
    E3 1 October 2001 1 July 2005
    EX Unavailable Unavailable
    EW 1 March 2002 1 March 2002
    E4 Current Current
    E4-Religious Current Current

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  • adde72
    07-17 04:32 PM
    Dont mix with any other issue( Dream Act) ....We will fight for "Recapturing of Visas" . That will solve all our problems .

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  • GC_1000Watt
    01-08 06:16 PM
    All the wasted numbers can be recaptured when recapture bill passes!!!!

    Do you think it will happen in near future? I seriously dont think so.


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  • swamy
    11-06 06:34 AM
    Theres an enforcement only bill that increases the h1 cap to 130000. Ofcourse enforcement doesnt include making sure the EB quota is used every year - not that enforcement.

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  • kpchal2
    07-18 04:57 PM
    how can i talk to those knowledgeble service reps from the service center. can you please suggest me how i can get to them, i have been trying to talk to them since morning and i could not get beyond the first service rep. any tips on how to get to them


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  • Waitnwait
    12-02 12:05 PM
    Its not IV I am worried about ... I trust them completely.
    Its the the big bad wolves out there :) .... they might use such info to their advantage ....(call me paranoid)
    I believe, the best and safest way to disseminate such important information is through state chapters. I know what you are getting at when suggesting that we should be open about our needs and goals .... The strategic vision is pretty much laid out by the core and is clear enough for the general public (I think) ...
    monetary needs... thats a different ball game ...

    I agree that posting the monetary figures might not be a good idea. But we need to find a way to make everyone who visits the site part of the bigger picture. I see that happening if we have a Percentage Ticker on the site which shows how much of the target is met and how much is left.

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  • vikki76
    10-30 05:26 PM

    I am in same boat as you.

    2 i-140's approved with same company, both are EB2, one is RIR one is PERM.

    PERM one had Jan 2006 PD where my RIR had Nov 2004.

    I-485 was applied using Nov 2004. USCIS may be looking at other one and thinking PD is not current. What a mess.
    leoindiano, I too have exactly same situation. Two I140 both EB2, one RIR (Nov 2004) and other PERM (Jan 2006). I called Nebraska SC using POJ method and verified with them if both 140 are linked to my 485 application or not. IO confirmed it over the phone and then reiterated that later PD is going to get picked up so my case is current per them. So, I would suggest that you do the same thing.
    Another thing is that, after opening a service request, you can send a followup email to ncsc email address and get your query about priority date answered . I did that too and even got response from them . (Both A# consolidation and difference in PD)


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  • jksood
    07-15 07:20 PM
    signed and emailed.

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  • c9411010
    07-20 10:52 AM
    guys - i want to start a new forum on 401K ..

    want to discuss what happens to people who have 401k contribution and want to go back to india

    do we have to withdraw the 401K when we leave or can we withdraw it at a later date..

    can some one start a new thread since i cannot figure out how.. thank you


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  • gg10004
    06-18 09:10 PM
    IMG is very good but they dont cover pre existing conditionsl.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    04-28 07:27 AM
    Nice compilation.

    With my very best wishes to those of you waiting for your GC, this thread is created for the lucky among us who received it recently. I am


    Okay, this is all I can think of for now. More when I come up with something new.

    Stuck(no more)InTheMuck


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  • gc_on_demand
    06-09 04:08 PM
    Call Nowww

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  • dallasdude
    05-14 11:35 AM
    bringing bk the discussion to more serious point. We can all agree that on the surface immigration system here is seems unfair towards Indian, Chinese and Mexicans. Whats the reason behind it? why only three countries which suffers from long waits. Its demand and supply. If there were no country caps, all the visa's will be absorbed by these three countries. Even though it has cost me time and money, i think its the right policy. for a moment imagine there was no country limit, can you imagine for few years to come immigration will be from only these three countries. i think its only fair to limit how many people can come from one specific country.
    and one more point, we are never going to get treated with respect and equality, just get used to it. every American knows we left our country to come to his. he is always gonna look down upon us. Immigrants are never treated with love, respect and dignity, no matter which country they go to. Case in point, Bangladeshi and Nepali migrant workers in India. We treat them like dirt back home, so discrimination against immigrants is part of immigration process. hopefully our ABCD offspring's will face less of it :)

    Big Ups for voicing your opinion. nitinboston for president!!


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  • raj3078
    03-14 06:01 PM
    I am sure many here like me have the same question. Why is that Macaca has to make sure that he answers every single post? Why is that he makes tricky comments (sometimes offensive) and expect everyone to join him? I am with IV for almost 8-9 months now and have contributed to my ability, financially as well as by being active on this forum. But lately I am seeing that Macaca person all over the forum. And frankly it is becoming little annoying now.
    I beg the max because I don't think we can do anything without the lobbying firm and other lobbying activities by core, and the contributions are < 20% of the money required. Please convince me that I should stop begging because !@#$%& or explain how to beg when we have < 3% contributing members in 45 days. In other words, please resolve the begging issue (by possibly explaing that we don't need the lobbying firm and/or other things). This is question 1.

    The following will be neglible if there is an implementable answer to question 1.

    The numbers in the following are low and the list is not complete. Lets assume the complete laundary list with higher numbers.

    Consider a retrogressed member X that uses the following quote to decide that Hill (with lobbying firm) and grassroot lobbying is important.

    Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them.

    X again uses the above quote to decide the following. What are the arguments against this decision? This is question 2.

    Contribute financially and help in financial contributions from others so that we can lobby on the Hill, and
    Help with grass root lobbying (legislators + media), and
    Ignore the laundary list rather then expect everyone to meet X's requirements.

    The two questions are for everyone. Some members have gone over these issues a couple of times in the last 2 months. Please respond ONLY if you have an argument for question 1 and/or an argument for question 2.

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  • hebbar77
    05-23 04:42 PM
    if you all use little more IQ, you will realize that only with donation/money you will make a difference.
    We all are here to make someone rich(employers, local businesses). So if you can make polititians rich, they will do something for you!
    So stop calling... start donating to IV...

    Let me know if my thought is wrong!


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  • ilikekilo
    04-15 03:14 PM
    Thanks man for your replies. I'm gathering as much as I can. All the tickets, birth certs.
    Plus, to add to the complication, I've also confirmed ticket to meet them at Frankfurt on their way to US. My Euro vacation for a week would collapse and have to cancel everything.

    I'm try to keep myself sane. There are much worse situations people are facing in this forum ( for example, a ninth pregnant lady getting laid off).
    Just hoping (and praying) that this can be solved smoothly.

    GC is really proving to be a daaawg....


    tell me about it, let me know if you need anything...good luck 2 u..keep us posted..

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  • admesystems
    01-09 12:53 AM
    I am married to a US citizen and I got my I-485 interview on 1/4/08 and IO said we have no problem about the interview. He said if I had my NC cleared I would get the GC in 2 weeks.
    I submitted I-485 on 5/11/07 so I assume that my name was forwarded to FBI sometime around May/07, 8 months ago. I made a mistake on my affidavit and I had to resubmit it on Aug/07 (I-485 was fine)

    I have a few questions;

    1- Since I resubmitted some papers on Aug (not I-485), would my name be forwarded to FBI on Aug or on May 11 (Priority date of I-485 is 5/11/07)?

    2- Most of the cases here seem to be about EB GC. Is there anyone who has the same problems with me? Is the procedure different for GC through marriage?

    3- When my wife called USCIS, IO told that they cannot do anything before 60 days after the interview. is that true?

    I was out of status when I got married so I cannot leave without GC. we want to move to my country but now we are stuck. it is frustrating.

    Please someone help...
    thanks for your time.

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  • gc_lover
    07-18 03:52 PM
    service cntr lady said that they sent the applications back. They do not use overnight Fedex like you and me,they use regular mail.and it could take 4 wks too will have to wait again for this? rejection and then refiling the same stuff?

    She just said that to get rid of you over the phone. Lot of people have called USCIS and no one heard of any rejection notice being generated. I think we should be okay!

    07-17 04:30 PM
    I don't know why but we tend to be satisfied with lsmall benefits...
    I agree with you "something (EAD and AP) is better than nothing"
    But i bet you will find your self in the same situation of agony and endless waiting for the final Green card.
    I bet most of the people don't use your ead and AP as it puts you in a gray "Adjustment of status". They are good to have though. But you will painful it is to decide to use them or not..

    What i want to say is that being able to apply for EAD and AP is not the end of the will be stuck in a depressing situation waiting for the final green card.How do i know? .. I went through it...waiting for GC for the past 4 years.

    I dont know its FBI or its just the USCIS incompetence but waiting in the final stage is horrible. Every time you travel you are scared...AP as for as my lawyer goes IT does not guarantee 100% entry in to the country.

    After you apply for AP its only 1 year H1 increments.

    What i am saying why dont we try for the overall improvement of the GC processing. Why dont we be firm about not wasting the GC numbers and recapturing the unused numbers.

    We had a small revolt (peaceful way) and its successful.We dont want to stop there.


    I hope you guys are with me..looking for your comments
    I am wondering about the same question. Recently, I read about the portability rules and they are so unspecific that I am not sure I want to take advantage of them. Not even Mr. Shusterman could give an assertive answer in his Q&A session ( He said you should not renounce your job two days after the 180 have passed, but when is the right time? I am getting more and more confused and depressed about this whole situation and about finding the right moment to decide whether I still want this.

    07-30 02:13 PM
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