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Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • sparuthi
    09-17 01:48 PM
    I am not seeing any movement in the video. I can just see the American Eagle on the screen? any idea whats going on.. ? ??

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  • RNGC
    12-09 03:11 PM
    Should we send at least 100 emails via to Mr. Obama's team on Legal Immigration?

    Can anyone draft a sample email explaining our concerns?

    sending a email right now....

    this should be a action item....Instead of canned template, each one of us should write our mention the bills by Joe Lofgren...

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  • Nickjr
    09-24 11:32 AM
    [QUOTE=gcformeornot;292719] :mad::mad:

    We are all protected under first amendment (freedom of speech) so one is free to express their opinions. However I must say that IV never promises to come and get quick solution.Per my understanding it offers members to come share experience decide on stragtegy and with colloborative effort we can surely make a difference.Now if IV is not able to desired result which emans we asa member are not playing our part which we were expected to play.

    Its really easy to blame but it takes really hard to come up with solution. If the author of the above post has some plan of action he/she could share in thsi forum. Again assigning dots is individual choice IN admin never assign points good anology would be when you speak to group of people some people like it some may diagree so why to blame IV..

    Guys lets appreciate efforts of IV .Blame game can never be a solution.


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  • lotsofspace
    01-30 04:52 PM
    Voted. But the question slipped to 11 now.


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  • chanduv23
    03-12 10:44 PM
    enjoying life after the GC what else??!!!
    answer with complete honesty, if YOU got your green card today, would YOU ever be involved in IV again? except maybe when you want some answers during your naturalization stage?


    Actually some of them are still as committed as they were prior to getting GC. waldenpond still runs the organization with the same vigour. franklin and others have got their GCs but still stand as pillars for IV.

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  • vxb2004
    07-18 08:34 PM
    485 Applied -- July 2nd
    Status -unknown

    Cheque clearance is a good indication.


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  • kumar1
    10-06 09:10 AM
    Someone gave me red dot with following comment --

    please look at your very H-1 visa application and interview, you would have also said to the visa officer that you DO NOT have immigrant intent. I dont know of a single person who said that they HAVE an intention to immigrate.

    I must tell you that my first labor application was submitted in 2002 and since then I have been to US consulate 2 times. Every time, I have put Yes on DS-156 where they ask whether anyone has filed an immigration petition on your behalf. I know that US consulate can not reject my application based on saying Yes in this question, however, if I say no and hide the fact and if they figure that out...I would be in trouble.
    Yes buddy, you lied....for a long time and now you are talking!

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  • mpadapa
    08-13 12:39 PM
    If you can porting to EB2 is always a better choice.
    For EB3-I's with PD > 2005 it is worth the risk even with the gray area that USCIS may not accept the porting. An EB2 I PD of 2008/9 will always be better than EB3 I PD > 2005.

    HR 5882 is the only solution for all atleast for this year.


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  • rimzhim
    02-07 02:10 PM
    I predict the movement of PD for april'07 will be significant for EB2 India, EB3 ROW for sure. They would not hold up everyone in EB2 India, EB3 ROW at the current priority dates.
    how significant? if the PD moves by 1 yr, half the ppl here will be relieved.

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  • NKR
    01-31 10:03 AM
    I just voted.



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  • pappu
    05-13 04:15 AM
    Please update your profile with correct dates or have no dates.

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  • anzerraja
    07-19 07:38 PM
    There is a funding drive in this other thread towards reimbursing Aman's expenses.

    Could you please pledge an amount ?

    What is obvious is either you have been sleeping all thru or you are new to IV. Aman has made atleast 25-30 trips to DC in last18-20 months


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  • desijackass
    01-29 10:49 AM
    It took 7 working days last december for my passport to come back.

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  • deba
    06-13 07:33 PM
    shishya and spdy_mn, the point here is when did you get married. As long as your marriage date is before the approval date you are fine. In fact, I remember reading in murthy's website that even if you find out that your 485 has been approved right after you got married (all petitions will have an approval date), you are still eligible to file for your spouse's 485. I think INS has a 180 day window to consider the spouse's application. I guess you have to prove that you got married before the approval date of your 485. Search the murthy website about this posting from her. Good luck.


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  • rb_248
    03-14 09:57 AM

    Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular Employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual �per-country� limit. It has been determined that based on the current level of demand being received, primarily by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices, there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category. As a result, numbers have once again become available to the India Employment Second preference category. The rate of number use in the Employment Second preference category will continue to be monitored, and it may be necessary to make adjustments should the level of demand increase substantially.

    May be EB2 India and China can see some movement in July VB published in June.

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  • bondgoli007
    11-06 03:35 PM
    The intent of the H1B program is not to bring people in the country in "Anticipatory mode" as you put it. The intent of the H1B program had always been for US employers to hire foreign skilled workers "On-Demand" when no american is willing, qualified or able to do the said job. Prior to 1999, the visa cap was 65000/yr WITHOUT the extra master's degree cap we have now, and still visas were never totally used up for any year, certainly not on the first day. It is only after the advent of the IT consulting companies hoarding visas in "anticipation" of future jobs that the problems started. Without any restrictions on this kind of abuse, no amount of H1 visa increase would be sufficient. They are talking of raising visas to 130,000 right? Based on the FY 2008 applications, those visas would be used up in TWO DAYS!

    IMHO, the intent of the H1B program is equally important than just loopholes (or not) in the letter of the law.
    Well said...We are all here due to the H1B visa and I am Thankful for it. However the fact is there is some fraud that goes on. It surely is not be as much as anti H1 folks contend it is but there is some prevention that can be done.

    The argument about anticipatory mode will not sit well with even most in this forum. The program is supposed to be on demand..If the visas are running out on first day, then the blame does go to the the anticipatory applications that eat up visas from actual engineers who have a job offers.

    Sen Grassley is somewhat right...however, without any parallel reforms in the EB process, all his speech did was come across as simply anti H1. If he is really concerned about the H1 program and its potential benefit , he should be equally be concerned about the H1B employees who are in the EB Immi limbo. So far from his track record, I am not inclined to hold any hope that he will equally pursue EB reforms.

    I totally agree with the post from WeShallOvercome....I absolutely feel the same way!


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  • somegchuh
    07-19 06:34 PM
    I would think IT experience is the same anywhere so taking it to canada should be ok? If not there are plenty of other management jobs there. It might be a new start but in a one year timespan you will be well established.
    Is it just my wishful thinking?

    As for masters, are you persuing MBA? How about PMP?

    1. Apply for Canandian PR and then if you are lucky you may get a good job in Canada in IT or else you will end up working in Wal*Mart or some grocery store cursing why you came here. Canadian Companies wants Canadian experience. US experience is not enough! :(

    2. Just enjoy without doing anything and hope that your GC would come before you die. :D

    3. Do some Masters degree. I'm currently erolled in a masters program and would somehow try to finish it. It would keep me focussed and create positive energies in me. Otherwise due to utter frustration, I'm not able to concentrate and work. If you are wise enough you would understand that there is no place for you here in US and you would push off immediately. :)

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  • akred
    05-24 02:04 PM
    if a background check reveals that you had been on H-1 you won't be eligible for Z visa. You have to come up with a new face, new name, and new ID. Looks daunting but less daunting than getting GC legally.

    Hey hey, I don't have to apply with my current legal name do I? ;)

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  • jelo
    04-27 12:58 PM
    I am not talking like anyone, just expressing my views. Please refrain your self from pointing fingers to any member. I did not come through a consulting company, hope this makes you happy.

    mr Ganduteli please dont make comments on either visa status, my wife or any substitute labor as none of them apply to my case.

    likewise please do not generalize any working type or business which is legally allowed to operate in US just because you are not working for that.
    Please restrain from posting anything negative which will not help anybody.

    01-22 08:12 AM
    A challenge by H1B employers may be required ....

    That is correct. Since H1-B petition is filed by employer, it can only be legally challenged by the employer only. Employee is beneficiary and therefore has very limited legal rights to challenge even if petition is denied.

    Now, consider this hypothetical example, on practical note, if an employer files a legal suit, the employer must be able to defend his H1-B obligations for all its employees. That includes paying H1-B wages on "bench", H1-B worker working on sites specified by LCA, reporting to USCIS when H1-B worker resigns or is fired. This could be problematic for many small-time job-shops (aka body-shoppers).

    Not a legal advice.

    04-07 01:37 PM
    drop and drop makes an ocean
    just added my $200 again today. and urging all the like minded people to come forward, even if we contributed before.
    bottom line is we have to help ourself and join the hands
    once again, thanks IV and let's keep the momentum.

    "The tough gets going when going gets tough"
    we all have a strong will and tough mind that can make a difference

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