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Saturday, June 18, 2011

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  • pou-pou
    06-15 08:02 AM
    Ok here's a much better one than my last one, I'd like this one in the poll...

    Nice :thumb: Like it much.

    Funny how much the background makes it look better ;)

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  • sanju
    09-24 02:29 AM
    Hey sc3, please don't go, I have another video for you. Here it is. This one is really good.


    Looks like you left for the day. Well, that's ok, I am sure we will bump into each other again, will continue our discussion at that time. Cheers buddy


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  • NKR
    08-20 12:56 PM
    NKR - Sorry, I wasn't very clear and it got misunderstood.

    What I am trying to say is that whether GC takes 1 years or 5years, it is worth the wait IMHO. If I have to do all over again knowing it could take 5-6 years, I will do it. But that's just my personal opinion.

    How are things going on your side, NKR? Good Luck.

    I am an early 2004 EB2 filer. I am hoping that mine would get approved at least before Oct. My EAD, AP, H1 and DL is getting expired in Oct. Glad to know that citizenship is making a difference in your life. I am happy for you. Good Luck

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  • zoooom
    09-24 01:04 PM
    Take it easy! He vented out his anger for no reason, just forgive him or ignore his ignorance. IV welcomes donations but its for a reason, to maintain such a good portal. May be he dint like this.
    Yeah He is just a frustrated guy (and probably drunk) when he was writing this blog :)....


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  • viva
    02-05 05:55 PM
    Hello everyone,

    I was just thinking about this the past couple of months and maybe we dont even need to ask for Green cards. MAYBE our approach should be "Let the H4s work". Once husband and wife can both work, the green card can take its time. Right now the Biggest problem with most people is that "my spouse cannot work!". Maybe if we lobby for h4s to be eligible to work that may solve the problem.

    Now before this suggestion creates a HUGE "Dhoom", this is JUST a suggestion. The current political climate does not look like it is going to be easy in any way to put any provisions for Green card increases. Besides if the logic is "Let temporary workers be temporary", this approach fits in with that logic, coz we are not asking for GCs (permanent residency), just more temporary EADs.

    This is a blatant violation of what IV stands for. When you are asking for your spouse to work, you are indirectly saying that it is your priority instead of a GC.

    So, are you just interested in making more money or getting a GC? If you are interested in your spouse working, it indicated you want to make more money. This will come at a cost of IV not being able to push the GC as a priority item.

    Please analyze your requests, its impact on the organization and the morale of the core team before posting such irrelevant posts. Right now, the goal of the organization is to push forward the GC agenda without getting distracted with "H-4 needs to work request".

    Go IV!!!!!!!!!!! Go IV Core!!!!!!

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  • Maverick1
    11-11 10:08 PM
    I have checked with my company's lawyer and he said I can maintain H1 status with my current employer and use EAD for part time job. I read murthy chat transcripts and same topic was discussed with two different answers. ................
    I work for a very big company ........................I do not want to be limited by work authorization limitations...

    Thats my oppinion...

    Using H1B makes one safe. but how many years we want to do the safe job. If I-485 gets denied do u have enough patiences to file another green card. One thing is believe is "We are here to make money, most of us are in our thirties and we have short time remaining to reach our goals. I think we all have one year EAD. wait for 6 months then go on job hopping, learn whatever you can, get into whatever you want. Start a business, do something.... Anything you do will help you in future. Sitting with H1B in pocket may take 4 years cream of your life.
    If you have the talent you can get great salaries anywhere in the world. Because of your talents and hard work you guys are here. World is not small.

    I-485 is mostly about the eligibility of the individual (like medical, illegal presence, fraud etc.) and so getting rejected at I-485 stage is not that common (especially after the approval of the underlying immigration petition). And if it does get rejected, more often than not, the individual may never be eligible for permanent residence due to the same reason. So usefulness of H1-B as back-up is of very limited narure.

    Thanks every one for all your responses. Good to see many responses which seem to echo what I was thinking. After reading many posts on these forums I thought many people chose to keep H1 (some times at a cost).
    Now I see many people are ready to dump it if they see an opportunity to use EAD. That is good to know.

    Although we cite the cost savings (from renewal of EAD) most people if not all who prefer to keep H1 status will definitely renew their EAD/AP just to be safe. On the AP case, I got 3 copies of multiple entry APs. My attorney told me to make copies of it and give only copies at the POE and point out that it is a multiple entry document if the officer wants to keep the original, so that the original stays with you.

    I guess many people want to put the EAD to productive use. Some thing to supplement your main job/income.


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  • Madhuri
    03-09 11:24 AM
    It's a good suggestion, but I think free period should last only for a couple of weeks.
    Suggestion: IV membership should be free for the first 3 months, after which there should be a minimum $20/per month to keep your membership and log in.
    Also at that time a member needs to update his/her profile to include contact information. This way we encourage new people to come study the issues, gain trust with IV.

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  • EB3Victim
    12-18 10:29 AM
    My spouse(H1) and my kid(H4) passports were handed over to VFS today(Dec 18). This is the first H1 stamping of my spouse.Their appointment was on Dec 11


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  • sathyaraj
    11-09 04:30 PM
    Driving License should not be a problem as these days the rules have been relaxed dramatically. In NY they give license for 5 yrs irrespective of ur I-94 date. Also it depends on how many yrs you have left with H1B.

    In some states they are even planning to give for illegal immigrants. As legal immigrants we can renew Driving license. But it is a valid point for unmarried, as they have to keep it active until they bring their spouse to USA.

    Correct. It is a valid concern for unmarried :)
    DMV in different states treats immigrants differently. No uniform policy. Interestingly I was discussing this with a friend of mine and he took his EAD/AP to the DMV and was expecting to get the DL valid for the period of EAD, but the officer insisted he get the I485 receipt and gave the validity like every body else because he is in AOS(I guess 5 years). That was a pleasant surprise for him.

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  • arc
    06-17 02:55 PM
    What can be done?


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  • sayantan76
    05-24 12:02 AM
    i think he may want to be the ceo of iv.

    here are my 2 cents..

    its nice to talk endlessly about what went wrong and bitch about it till the morning. one thing we all need to realise is this : we are going to have failures. period. just like we have had failures in the past. this is not going to be easy where you win every single legislation. 10% hit rate is success enough given the opposition and difficulties we face. so now, given that our batting average is going to be low, the question is this : everytime we have a failure, if people are going to sit on their butt, smoking their pipe dreams and doing monday morning quarterbacking about what part was wrong, then shouldn't they also volunteer to their local IV section to make it better? lets face it, if you really think something can be done better, then volunteer to the local IV branch and do it. everybody can benefit. but if all you are going to be doing is sitting here and posting negative messages, then you hurt everybody, starting with you. the opposition is much better organized, has more money and has great influences on the political inside. if you are not providing any constructive or organizational help, causing people to be distracted and causing IV core to lose their focus, and if you are not willing to volunteer to make it better, then in my opinion its best to step aside, be quiet and let the people in charge do it. again, if you are not helping, then you hurt everybody starting with you.

    in this case, like paskal mentioned, if you think the phone calls were not important, then you haven't seen the victory message from numbersusa where they talked about the deluge of phone calls that were made by their supporters and how crucial it was in throwing out the visa recapture amendment. if anything, perhaps we could have gotten better organized with the calls. But I suspect things also moved much faster than anyone anticipated, including IV core.

    lets focus our energies and support IV core and ourselves.

    just presenting a possible reason why what paskal proposed in his post does not work well in IV.......its not a question of whether phone calls are important or not....its a question of making a significant number of forum stakeholders (and not 1-2%) get to act on any raising/ calling efforts etc....

    i genuinely believe that the core members go above and beyond whats expected to do what they are doing for IV - its truly remarkable...they all have busy lives and it takes great conviction and dedication to take the time out and do this...but why are the people still not responding despite the obvious pitfalls of not acting on GC related initiatives.......

    maybe its lethargy, inaction, indifference etc.......but we should be open to considering that just maybe, a vast and silent majority of IVians do not feel a sense of representation in the organization and hence do not react as enthusiastically as they should........legitimacy among the constituents often comes with representation

    why did most kingdoms around the world perish and give way to democracies......bcos the kings taxed the public based on their whims and fancies......elected govts may do the same but people still pay up and if they dont agree - they know they have a choice at the next elections.......

    and no, i dont deserve to be the CEO - neither do i have a performance track record nor credibility here......should not stop me from voicing a contrarion view though

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  • Dipika
    09-17 12:27 PM
    Congratulations sku! enjoy your freedom!

    can you guide me how to find congressman of my state (NJ) and how should i write to senator and congressman?


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  • styrum
    04-19 03:10 PM
    Just sent my $100. Sorry, can't send more now - out of a paying gigs and very likely to embark on a new job search again soon...

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  • preddy2k
    07-14 06:08 PM
    Good job guys, Kudos to all, especially IV team for organizing


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  • floridasun
    01-27 10:30 AM
    First of all note that the original post was alomst year and a half old so dont go by the ideas there now :D

    In commodity markets you trade futures and spot. Spot means immidate delivery of the under lying commodity. In futures you pay today for delivery at a future date. So typically the price of the future will be the price of spot + the storage charge (simple calculation to give you an idea considering no premiums). As the day of delivery approaches the price will pull to spot price. For example if west texas intermediate (WTI) crude is $92 spot price the 3 month future will be $100. (92+8 for storage). Considering that the spot price does not change at all, in three months time the price of the oil you will now be purchasing will be $92, but you paid $100 for it. This is backwardation. This is usually how markets are most of the time.

    Now if in 3 months the price of WTI is trading at $110, you will own oil you paid $100 for and now can turn around and sell for $110. This is contango.

    When you buy a commodity ETF, they dont take actual delivery of the product, they roll their contarcts. So they will hold a 3 month contarct and when the third month approaches they sell the contarct and get another 3 month contaract. If market is in backwardation then they will always be buying high and selling low. If market is in contango they will make money but as soon as it switches back to backwardation they will ride down the slide and loose all the money they made. So I dont think ETF's are agood way of making money in commodities passively. You can actively manage the ETF portfolio and make money using options and hedges and leveraged ETF's. But buy and hold, I suggest go and invest with a CTA who will be trading rule based to negate the effects of contango and backwardation.

    Hope this is simple enough:)

    Thanks smisachu. that was informative. FYI right now I am double shorting crude oil - with everyone calling higher crude oil prices in future, I may be in for a loss here... but willing to hold till I get break even :-)

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  • laborfd
    04-26 05:39 PM
    Sent a contribution of $50 through pay pal
    IV is doing great job, Sincere thanks to all the core members for doing all these great work :)


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  • alterego
    11-27 07:38 PM
    I am a highly skilled professional working in this state providing a valuable service. I have a green card petition pending. Those like Lou Dobbs oppose migration of those of my kind, virtually any kind. Please tell me why? What do I tell my grateful patients, about this self acclaimed patriot?
    His is an agenda against all immigration. He just finds the most convenient arguments now against illegal immigration. Let me explain, I am on H1b visa, he criticizes that as well. My conclusion is he wants me to leave too. Ask him to name one kind of immigration he is for.
    His is an agenda against all immigration. I trust America can see past it. Recently I went to an upper end car dealership in Detroit to buy a car. The dealer there commented that if it were not for professionals like myself buying his cars, his dealership would struggle. I'm not sure why Lou Dobbs does not wish to understand that. He is certainly smart enough to do so. Perhaps he does not want to understand. He preys on the worst fears of people, instead of building on their optimism. That is not what got this country where it is. If this country were full of Lou Dobbs, frankly I would not want to be part of it. Fortunately, I believe it is not.

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  • Vexir
    06-15 05:47 PM
    Actually, skinning your wheel should still be allowed, a lot of the new (real) iPod skins cover the wheel while maintaining functionality.

    Wth? show me one

    Oh hey Ben put the OraSquare pod in the poll, it seems to be more popular.

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  • coopheal
    08-13 10:48 AM

    Now we have poll results. What does these number mean to us? Any action item?

    All this poll proves is that new EB3 folks are more vocal. If we really need an action item then start supporting IV with money. Take part in IV action items to call reps.

    Face it other option of crying its not fare will not help us.

    03-13 03:40 PM

    Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular Employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual “per-country” limit. It has been determined that based on the current level of demand being received, primarily by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices, there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category. As a result, numbers have once again become available to the India Employment Second preference category. The rate of number use in the Employment Second preference category will continue to be monitored, and it may be necessary to make adjustments should the level of demand increase substantially.

    Does "calendar quarter" mean that only within a fiscal year unused visa numbers are made re-available, but does not spill over to the next fiscal year?

    My take is that there is horizontal spill-over in unused visa numbers - correct?

    07-18 11:09 AM
    PD- April 2006
    Date Delivered To USCIS: July 13 (friday the 13th.!)
    Service Center: NSC
    Rejected: ??

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