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Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • kaisersose
    03-13 10:48 AM
    I might be wrong, but I think EB2 India came only uptil April 2004.

    And the next month (July) EB2 India became current. That is when visa numbers were issued to already pcoessed Sep 2004 cases and approved.

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  • eb3_nepa
    04-18 09:22 AM
    Considering that there are more than 2000 members who havent contributed yet. Even $10 per member wud mean $20K straight away. Common guys, this is tax refund season. Surely we can all send in atleast between $10 and $20. That is cheap change considering most of our life styles. Internet access costs more than that, Filling your car with a tank of regular gas costs more than that. ;)

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  • dallasdude
    10-07 10:45 AM
    It's not a wise decision to invest in India for another few years. If a controlled market like the US experiences such short comings, you cant even imagine how things will get in India. It's going to be extremely volatile and the armageddon is just about to begin. Stay away from there.

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  • felix31
    02-06 12:36 PM
    If a new H1B visa application does not run against the regular quota, I don't think he has to wait till Oct. When my H1B got approved (under quota), I started in 2 months - February in my case.

    It is not possible in the current scenarion when H1 quota cannot last and is long gone before Fiscal Year even starts.

    As you know FY 2008 starts on October 1st and H1 visas for FY 2008 can only have October 1st as start date.

    H1 quota for FY 2007 was over last year in October. If not, then a wait of few weeks would not be a problem.

    In your case, H1 quota did not run out and lasted at least six months into the fiscal year.

    And for the upcoming FY 2008 I dont think it will last more than 2-3 months and will be over by the end of May, well before FY 2008 starts.


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  • gc_check
    01-30 04:44 AM
    This is indeed very good news, if the final rule to eliminate the Labor Cert substitution is approved by OMB and made into a rule and enacted ASAP.

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  • gc_lover
    07-10 02:55 PM
    talked to my attorney and he did get 1 or 2 applications back from USCIS. but he is not sure whether it is from July 2nd filers or after that.

    obviously they are returning applications.

    Were they send back after the delivery acceptance from USCIS? Or were they send back because USCIS refused to accept the package from fedex/ups/usps?


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  • Administrator2
    05-23 11:40 PM
    All Gurus,

    Although we all live in the digital age, digital signatures of 20,000 people are less effective than 500 calls, and 500 calls is less effective then 50 members meeting their lawmakers in DC. Like it or not, that is how Washington works. We have to craft our methodology and adept to the ways that work in DC, and not the ways that sounds cool or most convenient. No one cares about how someone voted on IV's website or any other website, but they care when someone calls them and they keep a tally of the number of calls. For example, say if 99% of all the people voting (digitally signing) on Lou Dobbs show say that all H-1s should be sent home, do you think lawmakers care about that? Even if people provide names, and address, even then it is less effectively than 5% the number of people calling. Being an IT Analyst, one could fall into the trap of reasoning, but as we know, law is not based on logical and the process in which laws are made is also not logical. If it was based on logic and reason, we would not need Federal Affairs folks. Also, if we tell members to provide digital signatures, out of 20000 members, 200 people will give real names and data, the remaining people, the data would look something like First Name - Last Name as 'ABC' – 'DEF'. But members are more likely to feel comfortable in providing data to the lawmakers offcies. So you see, there are practical problems and considerations, although for the community that employs hi-technology for most part of their job, 'digital signature' may “sound” effective, but actually it is not.

    Just another example, we have been advised by key decision makers, counsels, advisors and our partners for not sending web-fax. Thus we are not employing that method at this time. We pay experts for this advise, guys who know what works and what doesn't, and these guys have more than decades of experience.

    We also constantly communicate with other groups and key folks at large employers some of whom we all know. We have come a long way in making these relationships to effectively run this campaign. A lot of times we are not able to disclose/explain the reason for a specific method on WWW, but before announcing and requesting members to spend their energies, we do good amount of debates and discussions with our counsel and paid strategist, which is part of the reason we pay them. In many cases we seek advice/ideas/suggestions from the top executives of the employers of some of IV members. So there is no point in this discussion. Please trust the strategy and methodology. We are high-skilled and critical ideas to conduct an effective campaign is welcome, however, we have a choice to just to be critical and do our own thing, or function as an cohesive organization acting on advise from our counsel.

    BTW, just to clarify. There was no failure. We were told 2 weeks back how it will turn out, and it did exactly the way we were told. Murray-Gregg amendment could not have survived digital signatures of 20 million people. And we were told so by our counsel. But we were advised to continue to make those phone calls because these calls are counted and will have its effect for the next time. Trust us, our strategist is “The Best” one could hire in DC. Each such effort is an opportunity to gather more support to convince few more lawmaker. It is one step at a time. It is not an easy process, but the one that works. There are no shot cuts to the process of changing the law in the politically charged environment about immigration subject.

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  • reddymjm
    08-25 11:19 AM
    Will find out that ICICI was better.


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  • satishku_2000
    05-24 05:33 PM
    You can call Jose in Mexico and they ll deliver a passport in less than a week. ALL WE NEED IS TO REGISTER A LAWN MOWING FIRM and then BILL THE CLIENT at 100$/Hr for first designing the plan for the mowing on a computer and then getting a MEXICAN to do it for us. ...;-)

    AM I BEING REVERSE RACIST? AM I BAD? I think its healthy to speak your mind out against opression based on RACE

    Hope I did not offend any one ...I was just frustrated when I made my statements ..

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  • qplearn
    09-13 03:38 PM
    Why don't you write and sumbit an op-ed piece to The NY Times? While I personally like watching Jim Lehrer's newshour on PBS, we shouldn't get obsessed with a particular program. We have been featured all over the mainstream media.

    Here's the Washington Post Article that inspired me to join IV in April. I challenge you to write an article that will get us our next 6,000 members. And alll news articles about IV exist on a thread. Please look carefully before you trash our efforts. Thank you.

    Skilled Immigrants Turn to K Street
    High-Tech Workers Awaiting Green Cards Hire Lobbyists, Hit the Hill
    By S. Mitra Kalita
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Wednesday, April 26, 2006; D01
    On the December day when Congress killed a budget amendment that might have allowed him to become an American a little sooner, Aman Kapoor started a movement.
    He did not march through streets, carry signs, wave a flag from here or there. He did not walk off the job or file out of school. The computer programmer simply went online to a message board tracked by thousands of people in his predicament: highly skilled foreigners waiting years for their green cards.
    "I think we can do better and really create the impact with organized effort," he wrote. "To achieve this we need a group of individuals who have shown commitment and motivation in this forum."
    The next night, a dozen people living across the United States shed their Internet handles -- Kapoor's was "WaldenPond," a nod to his hero, Henry David Thoreau -- and addressed one another by name on a conference call that lasted an hour. Today, just four months later, the organization they dubbed Immigration Voice boasts 3,000 members; a fundraising goal of $200,000; and, most notably, a partnership with a high-powered lobbying firm, Quinn Gillespie & Associates LLC.
    The group's transformation from an insular circle to a politically active movement offers a window into an alternative immigrant campaign being waged as the Senate this week resumes its work on immigration laws.
    Most members and all the core organizers of Immigration Voice hail from India, though Chinese membership numbers in the hundreds and is on the rise. Most arrived on an international student visa or a visa known as the H-1B, reserved for highly skilled workers who can stay for up to six years -- unless an employer sponsors their green cards, which grant immigrants permanent residence in the United States and the right to live and work here freely. Over the past decade, the largest numbers of H-1Bs have been awarded to high-technology workers from India and China.
    Thus, while the passage of a strict border-security bill introduced by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) mobilized many other immigrants in December, members of this high-tech group had their eye on another: a budget reconciliation bill that, in the Senate version, would have allowed those waiting in line for a green card to proceed even if the quota had been exhausted. The provision was cut in conference committee, stirring many to action and leading to the founding of Immigration Voice.
    While hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets to get Congress's attention, Immigration Voice took a decidedly different approach. Shortly after the group was established, Kapoor and other volunteers began interviewing lobbyists, relying mostly on Google searches and data from the Center for Public Integrity's Web site.
    "If it was not going to be big, it would not be worth the effort," said Kapoor, who works for Florida State University and has traveled to Washington nine times in the past three months. "Most of us have reached that point, having waited for eight or nine years, where individual lives are on hold."
    Neither Quinn Gillespie nor Immigration Voice would disclose the amount being paid for the firm's services. Kapoor said it is "less than five figures."
    "This is a sympathetic story," said Nick Maduros, a lobbyist for Quinn Gillespie. "For this group, their issues are very technical and are frankly not that controversial, but they have been overshadowed ."
    Immigration Voices also enlisted the help of Rick Swartz, who has his own firm and has long been a leading lobbyist for immigration groups. Swartz gathered members of the group at his home one January weekend for a crash course in American politics, teaching them to position themselves as the "new Cubans for the Republicans."
    Although their numbers are far smaller -- fewer than 2 million Indians live in the United States, according to the 2000 Census -- the group is among the more affluent immigrant communities. And because their numbers are smaller than those of Hispanics, they are trying to focus on other ways they can exert power -- through their wealth, their positions of influence in the high-tech and business communities, and their alliances with more established advocacy groups such as one for Indian physicians and an Indian political action committee.
    While the immigrant marchers' demands have covered a range of issues, including allowing immigrants to gain legal status and eventually citizenship, the members of this association are more narrowly focused: They want Congress to pass measures that would end the years-long wait for a green card. In fact, they warn that efforts to enable millions of illegal immigrants to remain here permanently would result in the same bureaucratic nightmare legal immigrants are now facing.
    "If you're going to reform, reform across the board," said Bharati Mandapati, who oversees content for the group, which means she has learned how to word and pitch legislative amendments.
    The group has refrained from taking a stand on the fate of the undocumented workers, though it monitors chatter on its Web site to ensure that frustrated high-tech workers don't disparage lower-skilled laborers such as landscapers and restaurant workers. It also has stayed mum on raising the cap on H-1Bs, the visas that made most of their passages possible.
    Under a proposal introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the number of employment-based green cards being issued would increase from 140,000 to 290,000. Currently, no one country is supposed to take up more than 7 percent of the allotment, though unused green cards can be redistributed to countries that have already met their quota. That has made possible migrations in excess of 7 percent from nations such as India, China, Mexico and the Philippines. Under the proposal, the per-country cap would be increased to a hard and fast 10 percent. Proponents say this would prevent one country from dominating the category and would retain jobs for native-born Americans.
    But Mandapati, a California-based economist, argues that the restriction would hurt the United States because the demand for skills changes. "It just so happens that computer technology and certain technical skills are in great demand here and all over the world. It just so happens that there are two countries that have invested a lot of resources in educating people in these fields . . . India and China."
    About a half-million immigrants are caught in the green-card backlog, some as they wait for Labor Department approval or because quotas have been exceeded. In that time, they cannot be promoted or given substantial pay increases because that would mean a change in job description and salary. They turn to Web sites to compare their wait times with others, and their Internet handles, such as "stucklabor" and "waiting_labor," exude their frustration.
    During meetings on Capitol Hill, Maduros and at least one Immigration Voice representative lay out the group's platform, weaving in the personal stories of members. Shilpa Ghodgaonkar, a Germantown housewife, has become a staple anecdote -- and a frequent visitor on the Hill.
    For four years, she and her husband have been waiting for their green cards. Ghodgaonkar's husband arrived on an H-1B visa, and she followed as his dependent, unauthorized to work here. To pass the time, she learned to cook. Then she volunteered as a career counselor in Montgomery County. Last year, she earned her MBA from George Washington University. In December, around the time Kapoor sent out his e-mail plea for mass mobilization, Ghodgaonkar had run out of options.
    "I just couldn't keep quiet anymore," Ghodgaonkar said. "I cannot be depressed anymore."
    She keeps a spreadsheet that lays out appointment times and the senators' offices she has visited or still plans to: Specter, Frist, Schumer, Brownback, Bingaman, Feinstein, Feingold. Wednesdays bring a weekly call with Quinn Gillespie. And every few nights, there are conference calls among Immigration Voice's core team.
    Now the group plans to closely watch the debate resuming in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Earlier this month, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) proposed amendments with all of the group's provisions. Other lawmakers confirm that they are still meeting with the group to hear their concerns.
    Immigration Voice leaders say the past few months have focused and politicized Indian immigrants in a way that was not apparent in the past. "There is a very 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' quality" about the current effort, Mandapati said. "It's been a journey, a loss of naivet� and getting to know about American politics."
    � 2006 The Washington Post Company

    This is not the article placed on the thread. And nobody is trashing your efforts!!!!


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  • bugsbunny
    03-29 03:43 PM
    Came to USA on H1B, paid for the H1B fees(at that time didn't know it was illegal to do so)
    however after coming here , Paid for my own ticket and landed here on start of january 2011.

    I am a little doubtful...if this was illegal.
    Since you had no knowledge at the time that it was illegal.
    Being a foreign national you may not be expected to know every law here.

    How much did you pay? was it more than what the fee was?
    Did the employer processes your visa or did they use the services of an attorney?
    if you...then you have a case to sue the employer for scamming you in civil he may have used this trick to eat your money knowing fully well what would happen to you once you landed here.

    Talk to an attorney here before you leave.

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  • ilikekilo
    04-03 08:19 PM
    So far what I have seen from various forums, looks like its a standard RFE for most of the cases.
    Asking for updated G-325A(Its an updated form little different than what we submitted during july 2007) and EVL.

    Just submitted my evidences today to USCIS to the RFE I received on March 19th. Hopefully it may mean that all other evidences are BC, MC and Medicals....

    hey appreciate your info thanks and I will post what I my RFE is all about...


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  • waitingGC
    01-31 10:20 AM
    1. I was wondering how this rule would affect people like me. My labor has been approved and its been about 50 days. I will be applying for I-140 this week. Will this 45-day rule affect me?

    2. If what is stated in immigrationportal about the labor substitution is true, then we don't have any real benefit from the this rule, because all labors certified before the implementation of this rule are not bound by the 45-days time constraint?!? All the so called desi companies may not sell the labors, but would not spend money to cancel it either. So those old labors are going waste as they are still active.

    The cut-off date is determined by #485, not LC.

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  • misanthrope
    10-02 11:54 PM
    Someone left me this comment with a red (ofcourse).
    "Just because you are a consultant to a sleazy company does not make you incapable. The company might be not the consultant."

    I totally agree with your first statement. As I posted, people can be victim of circumstances. But, I believe there is always a choice and people tend to agree with their selfish side. It's the human nature. Please note that I am NOT questioning skills/knowledge of an EB3 candidate.
    Baffling picture is that people get on the defensive in a second without justifying wrong doings or criminal acts. They tend to question other person's credibility or totally discredit his statements without even addressing the question.


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  • uumapathi
    05-26 03:05 PM
    This bill is only for FB. IV has to give some direction on this bill so that we can push to include EB too in the bill.

    (b) Worldwide Level of Employment-Based Immigrants- Section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) is amended to read as follows:

    `(d) Worldwide Level of Employment-Based Immigrants-

    `(1) IN GENERAL- The worldwide level of employment-based immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is equal to the sum of--

    `(A) 140,000;

    `(B) the number computed under paragraph (2); and

    `(C) the number computed under paragraph (3).

    `(2) UNUSED VISA NUMBERS FROM PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR- The number computed under this paragraph for a fiscal year is the difference, if any, between--

    `(A) the worldwide level of employment-based immigrant visas established for the previous fiscal year; and

    `(B) the number of visas issued under section 203(b), subject to this subsection, during the previous fiscal year.

    `(3) UNUSED VISA NUMBERS FROM FISCAL YEARS 1992 THROUGH 2007- The number computed under this paragraph is the difference, if any, between--

    `(A) the difference, if any, between--

    `(i) the sum of the worldwide levels of employment-based immigrant visas established for each of fiscal years 1992 through 2007; and

    `(ii) the number of visas issued under section 203(b), subject to this subsection, during such fiscal years; and

    `(B) the number of unused visas from fiscal years 1992 through 2007 that were issued after fiscal year 2007 under section 203(b), subject to this subsection.'.

    (c) Effective Date- The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date which is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.

    Looks like EB visas are recaptured and fed into EB pool.

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  • shree772000
    10-10 12:14 PM
    Which bank offers best interest rate for fixed deposit in india.?
    What is treasury bond?? How could we invest in it?

    ICICI has some very good interest rates. I like them because they have online access to your account which most of the indian banks don't.


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    01-31 05:03 PM
    Just voted on both.

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  • minimalist
    03-31 12:53 PM
    We have to understand that there is a myriad of laws; INA, CFR's; USCIS policy binding memos; internal memos; appeals decisions, court cases, precedent aao decisions, precedent legal cases.

    Now; the ac21 memo is a memo that uscis officers have to follow. However; the memo is not in accordanc with INA 245 or AC21.

    INA 245 states that a valid and approved 140 is needed for a person to get lawful permanent residency.

    ac21 says that a person can change jobs after 485 has been pending for more then 180 days.

    The above two things are the law.

    In ac21 law; it doesn't say anything about the scenario if 140 is revoked by employer. It is totally silent to it.

    USCIS in their memos realized that ac21 law would not have any meaning if the employer still controlled the 140 if a person was eligible for ac21; therefore, they issued the memo (memo is not law but binding; memos can be changed; however, there has been nothing public about any possible change).

    Memo is clarification which they have been following for many years and as far as I know still binding.

    Kepp up the good work.

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  • gk_2000
    04-18 07:40 PM
    I have neither become apprehensive nor have got any ill feeling ... just showing where the problem is .

    Yes, sorry.. no foul

    11-13 10:36 PM
    Hello anurakt,

    Thank for contributing again to IV. You and other members like yourself would be the reason for IVs success in changing the flawed green card system.

    Thank you for encouraging other IV members for contributing. As you know, this is very important and more amongst us should encourage our fellow IV members to contribute. Often times it is evident that few IV members are struggling to keep a positive tone on the forums. As you may have experienced, it is easy to post few messages here and there. The message of some of these posts is to throw out ideas for others to implement. But in the end, the success of our community will depend on the contribution from kind members like you. Thank You.


    Waldenpond, here is my $100 contribution. This is in addition to my previous several contributions and I am glad to contribute again.

    Thank you and IV core team for your continued dedicated efforts and leadership. I wish all of us success at the end.

    FRIENDS ON THE FORUM : Please give it a THOUGHT and CONTRIBUTE .. Your contribution as mentioned by waldenpond can make a DIFFERENCE at the end.

    12-16 11:19 AM
    Folks - this campaign is endorsed by IV core. This is a very important campaign moving forward with the new president.

    This thread always remains on top to get more visibility. Please send your stories and also urge everyone you know to send their stories

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