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Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • pou-pou
    06-15 08:02 AM
    Ok here's a much better one than my last one, I'd like this one in the poll...

    Nice :thumb: Like it much.

    Funny how much the background makes it look better ;)

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  • vejella
    07-12 09:19 AM
    I found below text on Mathew Oh's web site .

    USCIS Reportedly Returning Visa Numbers to DOS

    AILA has reported that when Rep. Lofgren issued a letter to Secretary Chertoff, she also disclosed that "It has also come to my attention that USCIS began returning visa numbers to the State Depaartment as early as Thrusday, July 5, 2007." It could be the answer to our question why they are holding July filing cases and why they stopped adjudicating 485 cases for which they pull out the numbers before July 2, 2007. What a mess

    Does this mean ..Visa numbers might open up again in Aug ...?????

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  • coldcloud
    03-29 10:13 AM
    Shared on my Facebook page.

    Freinds, Its easy to share from Pappu's post. Just use bookmark at the bottom of the post and it will give you options to pick.

    Thanks, this was useful.

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  • JazzByTheBay
    12-13 04:13 PM
    Information we want to publicize, and information that we should keep restricted to members.


    No. that's not the point. See, you can't force people. If X is "recurring contributor" now, he has done that willingly and that is the best essence for us.
    As long as people support the cause and organization "Willingly" we will have infinite horizons to grow. The moment you bring "Burocracy" in, ultimately momentum will die.. may be slowly or quickly. Historically, IV threads are the major attentive media to declare the existence. We should not kill that with any enforcement of "Paid membership"...It is always hard to wake people. If that would be easy than nobody would have used the word "Struggle"..right:). On other hand yes there is a dier need of increasing financial strength exponentially and that too quickly is at high priority. We need to think and find other ways and resources.


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  • axp817
    03-31 08:39 AM
    So do you think they are going after AC21 folks as a scapegoat? I spoke to few people on this including lawyers and they say that "denials on 485" when 140 gets revoked is a common thing and usually the officer who issues the denial letter does not check and verify to see other details. Thats why they have to go through the MTR process.

    Although, UN seems to suspect that there might be more beneath the surface here.

    What still beats me is that if the 140 had problems, why would they even bother requesting for AC21 evidence and not just deny the 485 in the first place.

    Unless..., when the 140 got revoked they realized that it had been more than a 180 days since the 485 was filed, and gave the applicant the benefit of doubt and asked for a new EVL, but while the applicant was in the process of replying to the NOID, they did some more digging, found that the underlying approved 140 had ability to pay (or other) issues and then denied the 485 on that basis.

    You seem to be 'in the know' about this case/applicant, do you happen to know what the next steps are/would be/should be in this particular case?


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  • tampacoolie
    07-14 09:53 PM
    Signed. How do we fire this guy?


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  • singhsa3
    03-13 01:06 PM
    This my copyright and very much pertain to our situation:
    I left my world in search of prosperity
    The prosperity is taking an eternity
    My struggle is long and daunting
    Making it more and more frustrating

    Life at times seems uncontrollable
    Flowing with the time unstoppable
    Graying hairs testify for the feeling
    Fat belly making me further unappealing

    Sometimes I think of going back
    Try to gather the courage that I lack
    But the world I left is not the same any more.
    And the world I am in, has lost its lure.

    I am on the crossroad of my life
    One is forward, one is left and other is right.
    I don’t like the choices shown
    May be I would have to create a world of my own


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  • vikki76
    11-16 07:33 PM
    Calling all members who got approved in October 2009
    Please see thread


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  • B3NKobe
    06-09 10:59 PM
    not sure, ill go through all the entries after the deadline.

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  • gotgc?
    01-30 11:45 PM
    just voted..hope this makes it into the debate


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  • Hassan11
    03-14 09:01 AM
    You need to relax and change your tone. This tone is very inappropriate in this forum. We are here to ask questions. You have no right to talk to people like this. Just because we are trying to understand a very obvious change in policy from USCIS, it doesn�t mean that we are against you or anybody in the same position as you. I am happy that EB2 India has established a cutoff date, but I can still ASK questions on this forum. Stop patronizing people and CHANGE your tone.

    since you seem to be completely unaware, let me rub some salt, go read Act 202(a)(5) and educate yourself.....yeehaw !!! dbe

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  • bluez25
    07-14 01:50 PM
    Good Luck guys. Let this event be a great Success.


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  • number30
    04-19 07:45 PM
    Well of that is the case then his case will not be approved. What diiference does it make to uyou

    Nothing for Me. I have neighbor trying to Go to EB2. B.SC. M. Tech. from IISC. Still he has to go though EB3 line. If they are still approving I can tell him.

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  • sam_gada
    07-12 03:18 AM
    News has been spread to Herguyen University, Santa Clara University and ITU


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  • trueguy
    08-11 11:26 AM

    Please vote here so we can come up with some Estimates.

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  • PlainSpeak
    04-20 12:03 PM
    May be that is the reason you took offense when people commented on Bcom thing. An MBA is valuable only if your bachelors degree is valuable. Many people have this wrong notion that it does not matter what you have in your bachelors, if you get an MBA everything is all set. Companies need engineer + MBA combination. Very few companies hire MBAs for accounting work. DOn't confuse accounting with finance, they are different. I can tell you that for sure, as i work in finance.

    Contents of MBA also matter, most people take easy way out by taking all bluff management, marketing and strategy courses. Very few take the hardcore finance courses such as derivatives, fixed income, and valuations (these courses could differ in level of difficulty based on school).

    Can someone please give a GC immediately to getgreensoon1 so that he can get off this forum for good and not talk BS anymore :D


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  • Subsonic
    04-07 02:08 PM
    I am never happy spending money..this makes me jump around! Sent my $100 thru Paypal, Confirmation number 6H78079329445613H.

    Excellent suggestions to raise money. I can do a strip show if someone has the stomach for it and big heart to pay for it.:cool:

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  • jamesbond007
    10-08 03:40 PM
    The approval notices of the H1B renewals and transfers that I got in the past, the I94 at the bottom had the same number as the one that was given at the port of entry while returning from the last abroad trip made prior to the renewal/transfer.
    But in my case, the old I94 had the H1B written on it, as opposed to "parolee" as is your case. So I am interested to also know how your approval turns out.

    I haven't received the physical H1B approval notice from my attorney yet so I don't know what's the I-94 # on that one although I doubt it will be the same. AFAIK each I-94 number is unique and different. Anyway, I don't think I-94 number itself matters any, just the fact that you have valid, not expired I-94 is sufficient.

    I did not fill the forms for the transfer myself (the attorney did) so I don't know for a fact what he entered in "last manner of entry" but I'm 99.99% sure they must have said "Paroled" as they asked for my I-94 that had "paroled" stamp on it to attach with the petition.

    Finally, I did not get any RFE.

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  • aycy
    04-22 11:22 AM
    $10 from me via paypal. I am sorry as this is how much I can contribute at the moment. Thanks to the Philly backlog (stalled career switch), my debts are up to my neck. Hope you guys understand.


    02-01 01:20 PM
    Yes I agree with you legal immigration is not only EB category, but EB+spouse+child category is the largest when we say Legal Immigration, plus questions are posed by Engineers & Doctors and that automatically tells the person who is reading that it is about EB category. But you are welcome to form your questions and post and we will make sure that that becomes popular. If you see the situation from where I am standing the glass is half full my friend!

    Hope things are going well with you, your research and wisdom is always appriciated.


    Employment based immigration is a very small part of legal immigration.

    Here is a break down of legal immigration #s for 2006 according to Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, published by Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS) (available at Spotlight on Legal Immigration to the United States ( By Gretchen Reinemeyer and Jeanne Batalova | Migration Policy Institute, November 2007).

    1,266,264 immigrants were granted legal residence in 2006.

    159,081 immigrants who received green cards through sponsorship from their US employers accounted for 12.6% of all legal permanent residents.

    However, 87,702 (or 55.1%) of the employment-sponsored immigrants were spouses and children of principal applicants.

    The share of employment-preference immigrants has varied between 3.3 percent (59,525) in 1991 and 22 percent (246,878) in 2005.

    The other categories are family preference (802,712), refugee + asylee (216,454), Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) of 1986 + parolees (43,546) and Diversity Lottery (44,471).

    Employment based immigration is legal. However, it may help to add legal to the title.

    Employment based immigration is skilled. I think employment based immigration includes cooks, priests, .... They consider themselves to be skilled just like everyone else!

    If you just ask for improving legal immigration, they will improve family based or asylum.

    As some persons learnt yesterday, legal immigration has very low priority as compared to undocumented. Similarly, employment based immigration has no priority in legal immigration!

    12-04 11:08 PM
    Hi I've been a NC victim for almost 3 years. I have heard all kinds of speculations on the real reason behind USCIS/FBI decision,like the amount of the tax you pay, your political view, your education level,etc. all influence the result. Could that be true or it's just purely a bureaucratic backlog? Something interesting to think about I guess.

    dragon ball z goku super saiyan 8 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin