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Saturday, June 18, 2011

special wallpaper

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  • Wallpapers - Doawnloadable.

  • admin
    04-14 09:10 PM
    I just sent in my third $50 thru paypal. I wish I could contribute more. I am likely to come to bench soon and not in a position to do so. I feel bad...sorry guys.

    As black_logs said, there is nothing to feel bad about. Out of the 3,000 members of our organization, less than 800 people have contributed money. So feel happy that you are contributing to the maximum extent that you are able to.

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  • Special Wallpaper is the month

  • anurakt
    11-13 04:19 PM
    Hello anurakt,

    Thank for contributing again to IV. You and other members like yourself would be the reason for IVs success in changing the flawed green card system.

    Thank you for encouraging other IV members for contributing. As you know, this is very important and more amongst us should encourage our fellow IV members to contribute. Often times it is evident that few IV members are struggling to keep a positive tone on the forums. As you may have experienced, it is easy to post few messages here and there. The message of some of these posts is to throw out ideas for others to implement. But in the end, the success of our community will depend on the contribution from kind members like you. Thank You.

    U r welcome ! I will put in more in coming days . I just wish people understand that we are in a good spot and need make the most of it. Wothout money this will not be possibel. At the end of the day I don't want to be left stranded just because I couldn't contribute even a buck.

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  • ksvreg
    04-22 08:20 AM
    Did you get finger printing notice? You did not mention that in the porting process.

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  • obviously
    06-23 12:45 PM
    Can we each leave a 'personalized note' on how much we have contributed in Federal / State / Social Security taxes + Medicare / etc.???? Even a rough order estimate... to get them to listen to us seriously.

    Is this something that IV can help co-ordinate?
    1. State-wise, collect estimates of taxes paid till date
    2. Collect the data (anonymously, of course) and send a written brief to each Senator in that state - making a clear economic case to how we contribute
    3. Collect the data (nationally, with statistical analysis thrown in) and send a written brief to all Senators - making a case at a national level.

    We need eye-popping numbers, charts and quotes ... to continue the PR around high skilled immigrant needs.



    special wallpaper. special wallpaper.
  • special wallpaper.

  • ganguteli
    04-28 09:56 AM
    I dont generalize the L1 abuse. This is how it works L1 is meant for company transfer and not to work on consulting positions across United states. Please read the law completely before you know what you are talking about. These L1 people come through intra company transfer and work on $10/ hr jobs undermining the folks on H1-b and L1's too. I dont know about your case and i dont want to comment on it too but do see my point. Please just dont oppose because you have to.

    L1's working for consulting should be stopped , it should be meant as intra company transfer for learning and implementation of company projects and not to work at client sites. Thats the law my friend.

    Fake profile alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More reds to you

    Green Card Category
    Country of Chargeability
    Service Center
    Labor Type
    Perm Center
    Labor Approval Date
    I140-I485 Concurrent Filing
    I140 Mailed Date
    I140 Filing Type
    I140 USCIS Rcvd Date
    I140 Rcpt Notice Date
    I140 RFE Date
    I140 Approval Date
    July 2007 Filer
    Adjustment of Status Application Type
    Adjustment of Status (I-485)
    I485 Mailed Date
    I485 USCIS Rcvd Date
    I485 Rcpt Notice Date
    Finger Print Notice Date
    I485 RFE Notice Date
    Application Status
    I485 Approval Date
    EAD Mailed Date
    EAD RFE Date
    EAD Approval Date
    AP Mailed Date
    AP RFE Date
    AP Approval Date

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  • go_guy123
    05-07 03:02 PM
    First of all Congratulations desi#### and thanks for continuing to support IV.

    Interesting discussion going on. Yes, I agree that most of us here are waiting for our GC and some of them go on to become US Citizens.
    I believe that becoming a citizen of any country is a person's choice, so let us not give desi### a hard time here.:o
    But I certainly do not think it is an 'achievement' to get a US citizenship, just because it implies indirectly it is an 'achievement' to let go off Indian citizenship. Nothing meant to offend you desi#### but it hurts when one reads such a statement somewhere deep inside the mind. But hey, as I said earlier, to each his own and noone should be judging others in their decisions.
    And it is not only Indians becoming US citizens every year. There are others too.
    Personally, even with all the advantages as stated above of being a US citizen, I will never let go of my Indian passport. Even if the authorities give it to me tomorrow in a lottery;) Never.
    Why? Because my identity, my rich heritage, my family roots, my parents, my culture everything is Indian and am proud of it. There are lot of sentimental and emotional attachments. I was going through the OCI articles today after reading this discussion.
    It is not exactly a dual citizenship. Some clauses are no voting rights! No Indian Passport!
    Getting a GC is another thing, but when I decide to go back after a couple of years, I would definitely want to retain my voting rights. ! I rest my case.

    US citizenship is a final stop for most/many immigrants. Post Sep 11, there has been a surge in nationalization applications because technically GC is like a long term visa to stay permanently. Therefore there is always a risk of losing GC because of DUI or other trivial or accidental issues etc.

    Also post Sep 11, a lot of govt/sensitive projects that were available for GC only have been restricted to US Citizens. You lose a significant chunk of the available jobs market if you are a GC holder in the Maryland/DC/North Virgina area. In fact I know a lot of GC who kept their old passports but because of these hassles eventually decided for Naturalization.


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  • chaanakya
    08-15 03:59 AM
    Not sure about you, but a lot of the people enrolled into the doctorate program in the 2001-2004 time-frame out of necessity. They could not find a job after their masters and decided to go for the quals as a fallback. If you did actual research, you should have enough publications and acclaimed research to get you into EB1. If not, well then there's no need to cry in self pity here because you are getting exactly what you deserve.

    If you read (and understand ofcourse), my gripe is not about my lack of ability or desire to file as an EB1, what i was pointing to was the general ridiculous notions being spread that

    a) oh all EB2 India applicants are so "lucky" to have filed it in 2006 and getting approval now, so soon
    b) EB3 India has been treated "unfairly" by USCIS
    c) All of us "deserve" GC asap regardless of the numerical limitations on EB categories, oh this evil system.

    Obsessive compulsive LUD checkers calling USCIS at the drop of a hat are a big part of the problem. If people could understand this simple fact that every minute that an IO spends telling some idiot if his name check is cleared or not could have been well spent in approving a GC for someone else. Every frivolous service request hurts the legitimate ones.

    These forums were started with the best of intentions at heart and they do have useful information BUT now almost everyday, it is the same old story.....same question, same answer (ofcourse followed by the standard ..i am not a lawyer or go hire a lawyer and topped with oh, i contributed xx dollars to the "cause")

    India has produced some of the finest minds in every era. Yet, these forums are more about green dots and red dots; he got approved...why didnt I?; and if someone dares to question, here come the personal attacks....

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  • harikris
    05-14 10:23 PM
    [Mr. Brown] True. If the plan B/C is not up to par with plan A then it is definitely hard to move on. Plan A (GC) gives you a grand standard of living but Plan B (India etc.) gives you a first class citizenship plus a say in the society. It's not all bad.

    [harikris] Plan B/C comes into play when plan A is logically terminated. That is not the case here Mr. Brown. The process should be fast enough not to allow a life changing event to weigh in on any individual to continue with an initially chosen plan or to abandon it.

    [Mr. Brown] Given the passage of time priorities/drive should be geared more towards securing and making the best of what you have (home country's citizenship) rather than what you don't have (GC). Heck, even retirement based mutual funds work in that fashion (aggressive at first, conservative as time passes).

    [harikris] Going by your analogy, most "young" folks do play it aggressive(risky) by following up on their dreams and when it is time to consolidate/secure, they are facing uncertainties that are not quite under their control. I can assure you that all their efforts are indeed geared up towards securing what they have worked so hard for all along. I am assuming home country's citizenship and social circles are a given and no extra-ordinary effort needs to be applied in those sectors.

    [Mr. Brown] No offense but it comes out a bit narcissist like ... don't ya think?

    [harikris] No Sir. I don't believe for a second that i am asking more than what i paid for or entitled to.

    [Mr. Brown] See now ... everyone keeps talking about this deal that USCIS promised us. Either my lawyer didn't give me the fine print (where the time frame was mentioned) or USCIS doesn't promise a time frame to every applicant.

    [harikris] I am referring to the statements that USCIS/legislators make when they come up with yet another innovative method to overhaul the system to speed up the process and efficiently tackle the existing backlog within a pre-set target date. We have to take their word for it, if we are to have any solid grounds for making a case against backlogs. We got to STOP taking their statements with a "pinch of salt" and "wink-wink" fashion because that would mean we have lost the fight even before we enter the field. We got to "help" USCIS and work with them so that they can help us.

    [Mr. Brown] You nailed it. I completely agree with you and guess what this arrogance from USCIS will come back to bite them but it will be too late. How do you think empires that rule for centuries crumble in a few years? Empathy (or lack-thereof) can bring one down to their knees.

    [harikris] Thanks. We surely don't want to wish the vehicle [USCIS] that is supposed to take us to our "destination" to crash fatally. Let's strive to put USCIS back on track.

    [Mr. Brown] Nothing. As second class citizens (GC/USC or not) we don't have a say in this society. We give some to get some.

    [harikris] Please, do what you can. Don't resign to such thoughts. Let's come up with a solution. There is no merit sitting idle. Let's start knocking doors in all earnest and some door should open for sure.


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  • eb3_nepa
    03-12 10:33 PM
    Thanks for the replies everyone.

    In response to some responses, i am not "overly concerned" I was just wondering what their status was.

    If the older core members who have received their GCs are indeed enjoying the fruits of their hard work, God bless them and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. My intent was never to start a hot debate. God knows we have tons of drama on the forums daily!! ;). (Soon the April VB will be released and more drama)

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  • StuckInTheMuck
    05-01 03:10 PM

    Go here (, where I have given my experience and some more details on updating ones SS Card.
    Good stuff, added the link in my list. Thanks.


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  • Runs – Special WallPaper

  • abhijitp
    12-03 06:34 PM
    Hi Abhijitp,

    I already did a one time contribution of 100$. But they are saying about recurring small contributions.

    You didn't get my point. I was saying there is no way any user can donate 10$/ month in recurring way..

    Let me know so that i can explain again in detail.

    Thanks for your contribution.

    Right, IV is not officially promoting this, and rightly so... every contributing member will then sign up for $10 a month, everyone else will complain about why it is not $5 a month.

    What I meant is, if someone wants to contribute $60 over 6 months, they can do it rightaway. Just paypal it to donations at, then remember to do it again after 6 months.

    Why wait for IV to lay the red carpet, when you can walk in right now?

    If there is the WILL, there is a way. But if you decide to wait for some scheme to sign up thousands of $10 contributors, then the day WILL never come.

    This is not targetted to you, but this is for anyone & everyone who has been "considering" contributing for the last seveal weeks/months/years thinking about it everyday over a $2.5 cafe latte.

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  • gctest
    10-03 12:31 PM
    You want me to come here and argue with people who can barely speak/write good english? People who defy the basic tenets of an argument.. (attacking the person as opposed to attacking the argument)?

    I urge all to read "The story of my experiments with truth" by Mahatma Gandhi (if you haven't already). While in a prison in South africa.. he spent his time in jail making a leather shoe for the white supremacist who put him in jail. This is the prime example of loving the person but fighting the ideas he stands for. This was also depicted in the move-- "Gandhi my father"

    You can call me names, give me reds.. but you all know that I am standing for my rights and for what is fair.

    I faced a similar opposition when we spoke against labor substitution-- fast forward 3 years.... do we all agree that labor substitution was damaging to EB immigration?

    Did anyone notice that GCTest's only interest was to start a fight between EB2 and EB3 folks.

    See how he opened up a thread and threw a match to light the fire so that everyone starts fighting amongst themselves and he did not post again in his own thread .

    United we stand and divided we fall. This is true since life started and will be true until the end of time.


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  • Chiser99
    06-07 04:15 PM
    Well the only different skin apple have made, the U2 one, had a red scrollwheel... so surely we should use their one as a guideline, and in that case be allowed to skin the wheel as well?

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  • SGP
    03-30 05:04 AM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD MORNING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    Dear IV Members,

    If you believe that your success depends on your immigration process - whether it's the ability to file I-485 earlier or to get green-card and citizenship sooner or whether it's the ability of your spouse to work - then you have to believe that your success somehow depends on the success of Immigration voice and these 170 volunteers in DC next week.
    As you may know, we are just one more week away from hosting Advocacy day in Washington DC where about 170 members of Immigration Voice will conduct nearly 250 meetings with offices of Senators and Congressmen. Such events cost money. If we have enough contributions, we can spend as per our budget of nearly $ 50,000. If not, we will have to cut back on the event spending and reduce the magnitude and size of the event.
    If you are not coming to DC next week, please do your part and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. It not only finances the event properly, it instills pride and confidence in the members who will be there in DC that there are thousands of willing supporters behind them who could not be there physically but are 100% with them in their determination and resolve.

    For background click here -> Announcement about April 2011 Advocacy Days (
    Contribute to Advocacy Event on the Capitol Hill ( (All one-time contributions will go towards organizing the Advocacy Days event)


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  • gjoe
    10-28 05:35 PM
    I was seeing lot of posts in this forum about reverse brain drain, so I wanted to comeup with a question which would answer my question without doubt.
    I wanted to see if all those who are in the GC queue and think that they are a very important for America and insist on that in their signature by saying "Help us stop reverse brain drain" are really meaning what they say.

    I beleive if we are so much in demand we can get a job in another country and have similar quality of life or better. So only poeple who are confident of the reverse brain drain and America should stop it will not hesitate to vote "Yes" if they are so frustated with the GC wait times.

    Once again thanks to everyone who so far particiapted in this poll and posted comments.

    Some people have given me negative reps for this poll saying it is useless but never say why "they" think it is useless. I would appreciate if you can post your opinion with those negative reps. Offcourse postive reps can be without opinon :D

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  • since1996
    03-13 01:04 PM
    That is correct, 9 months and then I will return to my country for good.
    I am waiting for the day when we get the GC , we will tear it into pieces and throw in front of consulate.


    donate $5K if you do Just Do It!


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  • sunofeast_gc
    02-07 11:31 PM
    We always thought that there is 360k application in BEC and since those LC have PD from 2000 to 2005 there are no chances of fast movement of PD in year 2007 especially for EB3 and EB2(Indian , China).

    After reading this news it seems employer withdrew many cases, which they filled for employee who no longer work for company, so certified case is going to be only 100k, much lesser then 360 k. How many more years it will take to clear these 100k LC? I don't think it should take more then 2 years...

    But you know logic doesn�t work with US immigration system and we also don�t know how many people are applying through EB1 and EB2-ROW, which are current, we also don't know how many people are already sitting in 485 stage�

    :confused: 02/07/2007: Details of DOL Backlog Cases Processing Statistics

    Yesterday, we reported that the Backlog Elimination Centers had completed 67% of cases as of 01/27/2007. According to the "unconfirmed sources", the details appear to be as follows:
    Total Number of Cases: over 300,000
    Processing status by the Two Backlog Elimination Centers:
    Total 100% Dallas (152,000+) Phily (169,000+)
    Pending 33% 33% 36%
    Completed 67% (1) Certified 33% 33%
    " (2) Closed 21% 20%
    " (3) Withdrawn 11% 08%
    " (4) Denied 01% 02%

    The good news is that there were very small number of denials. Bad news is a large number cases did not make it through becuase they were either withdrawn or closed. There are a very small fraction of cases which are not reflected in the table.

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  • chicago60607
    09-17 11:29 AM
    Sorry it is about Impeachement of U.S. District Judge G. Thomas Porteous

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  • Ahimsa
    01-30 03:37 PM
    Where do you get this from? In original proposal it was 45 days to file I-140, after that day labor just dies. Company can request substitution only before labor approval.

    Sorry for the confusion.
    The proposal was to limit LC's life to 45 days as substantiated by
    I agree I was wrong.

    03-16 02:41 PM
    I am also in same situation and looking for some help....

    Hi all,
    I got a RFE for Ability to pay for My I140(EB-3, PD-Ap2003) from USCIS. After consultation I was suggested that I needed an expert opinion letter from an Independent CPA telling that company can pay me the salary stated in the ALC. Now I need a CPA who can analyze the financials of the company and a lawyer who can write the letter to defend this case. I was wondering if anyone here can provide the service for CPA analyzation or sample letter on how to address this issue.

    05-25 02:35 PM
    This si for Akp

    What's up buddy. This si your first post. What have u been doing all this time?
    We are paying taxes along with SSN taxes. We have rt to ask or to bash this system.

    special wallpaper Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin